Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Occupy Life

I'd like to first mention that the reason my posts have slowed down a bit recently is because I am trying to read-up on the topics that I'd like to explain and tie together in my next post regarding my 10 points describing a theory of everything. I'm getting close to finishing my next point and will post that soon, but in the meantime I have something to write about the Occupy Wall Street protests.

I'm happy that people have finally gotten together in solidarity to attempt to tell the government that the majority of us who are not "fortunate" enough to have the money to buy politicians are fed up with how the government panders to the mega-rich and essentially ignores the rest of us until elections come around when they feed us a bunch of lies in order to gain our trust and votes. That's great. And, at least, better late than never.

But that's what I want to say: Where the [bleep] have you all been for the past decade???

And....where was the outrage when the banks were getting billions of dollars 3 years ago? Why did you all go, "well, we need to bail out the banks in order to save the economy"? Guess what? I knew that was a load a crap from the beginning! You don't hand the rich banks more money after they just squandered it all! If the worry is that the people will suffer, then hand the people the money - and not in the form of tax breaks, but in the form of jobs, loans and other government-sponsored benefits such as better healthcare, childcare and education! I said that 3 years ago and most people I said that to laughed at me and said I knew nothing about economics! I'm not an idiot - it's just common sense to me.

And have the banks and other wall street firms changed? All the reports say no. So basically we've handed them a green light to screw us over yet again for their own benefit - with impunity! They will be rewarded, is how they must see it...why stop bad behavior when it's rewarded, right?

So, ok. Now some people have finally woken up. However, I'm afraid it's now about the "thrill" of being part of a "rebellion" rather than actually getting anything accomplished. But, ok, we'll take that, too. Just don't forget to try to accomplish something from it, too! For instance, I've had this online petition open for about a year now which demands that we change our federal individual income tax code such that it resembles the tax brackets/rates as existed for the majority of the 20th century, and maybe even model it after the 1917 brackets/rates - meaning that people who earn less than $250,000/year pay LESS TAXES than they do now and those who make more than $1,000,000/year pay MORE TAXES than they currently pay, and in a graduated manner such that the more you earn, your tax rate increases all the way into the billions, I'd suggest, since there are people who seem to earn that much money, a completely absurd phenomenon. And YES, I am totally aware of the fact that this is a type of "redistributing the wealth". I don't mean to say that we should completely abolish incentive for greater earnings, but that the exponential increase in earnings after a certain amount has almost completely wiped out the middle class and thus, it needs to be tempered. In any case, I've been trying to get 10,000 votes for this petition and in 1 year I still haven't even gotten 150. Now there's all these Occupy Wall Street protestors out in the streets/parks - which is great - but it takes about 10 seconds to sign my petition. So where are the signatures???

You can read about and sign my petition here.
Please sign.

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