Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Not Just Me...

Ok, look, this TOE of mine is not really just mine. The way I'm putting it together might be, but let me say that I'm not the only a-hole out there that has figured this out. It's just that it's not part of "mainstream" science or common knowledge yet. So let me just say that there are many, many books and papers that I'm discovering on the topic as I delve into this more and more and I'm realizing that there's a whole lot of people who are coming to (or have already come to) these same conclusions. I just wanted to connect the science and intellectual theories with the human experiences. Michael Talbot did it in his book, I just wanted to update it and give it more of a scientific foundation than what was available to him at the time when he wrote his book, The Holographic Universe. I'm not any more of a genius than these fools. We're all in this together. Ok, maybe this is me talking to me here cause sometimes I do get a little grandiose about myself with these ideas...but it's important to keep my humility. It's important that we all keep our humility. The thing about that, too, is that this is all I have right now. I don't have a love life right now, I don't have my own family (well, I have my parents and brothers still...but I mean a partner and kids) yeah, this is what I have to get me up in the morning - the feeling that there's something out there for me to do that's larger/bigger/higher than just me. Otherwise, I guess I just feel like dust in the wind, you know? Like I could easily be nothing at all. I know that sounds sad, but it's the truth. We all kinda live for something bigger than just ourselves. I guess I don't see how that's really unhealthy.

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