Sunday, November 13, 2011

November: Truce?

This month, November, gets to me every year. Well, really, every year since November 25th, 1992: the day my sister and nephew died (and his father/her boyfriend/fiance).

For the past 19 years, this month has crept up on me, inside my soul - I swear my body knows it before I do. This month sends me spiraling into sadness - but I often forget the power my subconscious has over me in this way. I'm not stupid - I know it's not the month's fault! November is just a section of time that we have given a name. It recurs every year, but it's never the exact same section of time (it's not November, 1992 anymore). I am just remembering it because other things are similar - the air getting colder and thinner, the nights getting longer, Halloween having just passed and people getting ready for the holiday season starting with Thanksgiving. So really, it's me. I'm the one bringing myself back to that devastating day, that devastating feeling, the worst day of my life. One thing I am sort of grateful for - I have already lived the worst day of my life. I mean, I don't like to tempt fate too much by thinking about that too hard cause I know it could be worse - it can be worse. I just think that it being the first of its kind in my life (tragedy) that it would have to be like 10 times worse for it to be that bad or worse again, so I'm hoping that was it. That was the worst day.

But I relive it every year (sort of). My body seems to, at least. Like a couple of nights ago I dreamed about my sister and nephew again, but they were alive and then they were dead again - like I had to go through that again (as if I forgot?). Sometimes I have these types of dreams and they sort of repeat and so I get kind of confused and when I wake up it takes me a few minutes of really thinking about it for me to remember, no, they've been dead for some time now. I honestly don't understand what it's all about. If I'm working through something in my dreams, what is it?

In any case, I'm well aware of the fact that it's all in my own control, just below the level of my usual conscious control. Don't get me wrong - I love getting to see them in my dreams, getting to spend time with them! I just don't love when I wake up and have to remind myself it was just a dream or how I seem to spend much of my time feeling sad in November. For instance, I've been feeling really badly about myself lately in various ways, but I think that's me just feeling low and not putting in enough effort to realize it's not that I'm bad, it's that I feel badly. I feel badly, like nothing's gonna feel good again because that's what I remember feeling this month, 19 years ago. Yet, the memory of that feeling has kept it alive in me for this long - every year, in November.

But that's just silly. I don't need to keep that memory alive in me anymore (well, the bad feelings memory - I don't think it's useful to try to "forget" about my sister/nephew's deaths.)  My life doesn't have to feel like that anymore. So I'd like to re-direct my feelings from that nightmare to feelings of love, peace and joy. How do I do that?

The answer is that I don't know. But first, maybe, I'll ask November, itself, for a truce. Hey, November, you killed my sister, but you also gave life to some of my favorite people: my friend, Abby, on Nov.5th, my favorite teacher, Mr.Dalton, on Nov.11th (I think?), and one of my best friends ever, Ellen, on Nov.21st. So...truce?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As a recovering love addict/codependent, it's not surprising that I have trouble with feelings about myself - whether they be good or bad. Essentially, I believe my issue is with the inherent non-objectivity that those feelings entail. And that bothers me, which might be why I do look outside of myself for how I "should" feel about myself. But no, that's wrong, too. That's not helpful, either.

So, to be completely truthful, I think I'm probably just fine. But I've been swinging lately - really big swings - from feeling like I-might-be-a-genius and that I'm-fucking-hilarious and not-too-bad-looking and what-a-sweetheart to feeling like I'm an asshole and all-I-do-is-fuck-up and when-are-"they"-gonna-figure-it-out-that-I'm-a-lazy-shit-and-fire-me and where's-the-hole-for-me-to-bury-myself-in-for-the-rest-of-my-life-to-hide-from-my-humiliation-caused-by-me. It's like there's no in-between - as if I can't just be ok. Fine. A decent person trying to do her best most of the time but still struggling at times - not only to do her best, but to be her best.

Yeah, I guess I like to disperse some personal posts in with the more intellectual posts. I guess it's partly because you can't take the scientist out of the science or the artist out of the art, you know? And maybe it's also partly because this is who I am - I'm all these things at the same time. Well, maybe not at the same time - it does fluctuate. For instance, right now I'm in a lull and I may need to release some anxiety/pent-up-feelings (of?) by crying. I'd prefer to wait until I get home, but I tend to find the most inconvenient time and place to cry - usually on the BART on my way home. Yay. Can't wait for the uncomfortable looks (both ways). Maybe...maybe I won't cry. Maybe I don't need to. I don't know, but I did just tear up a minute ago listening to a song:

I guess it just helped me to relax and accept that it's ok who I am, that it's gonna be ok. I guess I know that, I just - don't we all - dream of bigger things for myself. And maybe if I wasn't so singular in my existence...maybe if I had a partner, these dreams wouldn't be so demanding because just being ordinary would be fun (cause I could share my ordinary existence with someone who could share theirs with me, too). But that's not in the cards for me right now. I'm not sure it's in the cards for me at all, in fact. I honestly wonder that often. I took a break from wondering that when my hypnotherapist said he got a "feeling" that I won't spend the rest of my life alone...but I also wonder if he said that to make me feel better. Cause if you knew someone was gonna be alone for their life (let's just say you could know this for sure) and they indicated worry about that truth, would you tell them? However, he could've not said anything at all.

Anyway, the idea is that I am human. And being human entails having humility. Thus. I am humiliated. Ha, no, I mean, I am humbled.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Whole She-Bang! Dr.Jams' 10 Points Describing a Theory of Everything

So I thought I'd just make a "table of contents" type of post for my 10 points describing a theory of everything. The exact wording of the titles might not be completed, but at least I think the points are outlined the way I intend them to be. So this is just a reference for all 10 points plus the background. Obviously, as I complete the 10 points and their posts, I will update this post with the links and the final wording.

Here they are, you'll want to begin with the background.

Point 3 - The Branes of String Theory & The Holographic Principle Give a Platform  & Mechanism for Proposed Extra Dimensions

Point 4: Our Mind Is Also Like a Hologram

Point 5: Orchestrated Objective Reduction By Our Consciousness in the Microtubules of Dendrites Creates Our Awareness of Reality

Point 6: Consciousness Is the Implicate Order (of the Holo-verse)

Point 7: The Implicate Order is the Largest String/Membrane: Light-like Energy of Pure Love & Knowledge

Point 8:  The Nature of Individuality in the Holo-verse Is by Virtue of Self-reference to Form Duality

Point 9: There Is Purpose

Point 10: Infinity: Reconciling Free Will with Destiny/Purpose

You may notice that the first five points are heavy with scientific theories and explanations, whereas the following five points are mostly speculations based on subjective experiences and theories that attempt to combine them with the science. The further from scientific evidence, theories and explanations that we go, the less certain we can be about the theory or model. Therefore, I am perfectly willing to alter my points in the future as we uncover more and more through scientific inquiry. However, I would like to present this like this now for many reasons: 1) I think it's getting close to the Truth 2) When the Truth is figured out by us mere humans, I want some credit for thinking at least this far into it and 3) I finally believe in something and I want to share it. That's all. [I don't care if you think I'm "crazy", "stupid", "naive", etc....or if you believe any of it! I know I'm smart, crazy, and an incredibly fantastically fun person to be around! So hahahahahahahahaha!]

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It Doesn't Get Dramatically Better

I have a gazillion opinions about a gazillion topics, but I can only choose a fraction of them to share. I have held off on the whole LGBT bullying/suicide issue for awhile, but now I feel like it's time to share my opinion on the "It Gets Better" campaign.

I don't think the "It Gets Better" campaign is very effective. It's cute and sweet, but not effective - in the same way that telling smokers that smoking increases their risk for a gazillion diseases (like my new favorite word?) - nobody gives a shit about what's gonna happen in 5-10+ years from now! Everyone's struggling with the here and now. So telling someone what may or may not happen in the future as if to say either hold your breath until then or you'll be sorry not effective. People want the solution now.

So here's my opinion about what might be a more effective campaign against bullying: focus on building the bullied victims' self-esteem/self-worth. The reasoning/logic behind that is this: the only reason it ever "gets better" is because eventually you leave middle and high school and you go someplace where you fit in more and soon you feel better about yourself - it's not that people stop being assholes, it's just that their asshole-ness stops affecting you. Hence, it gets better. So why tell the kids to wait until they get older when they get out of school and figure all that out - why not help build their self-esteem/self-worth now?!

Furthermore, I actually think that the "It Gets Better" campaign is giving too much power to the bullies - as if to give them the credit that what they say/do is worthy of being hurt by - as well as taking away too much power from the "victims" - as if to confirm that they can't handle someone picking on them for who they are. Clearly, if there's physical bullying going on such that someone is actually physically hurting another, then of course that needs to be addressed by the legal system (beating people up is still against the law, right?) The other half of the issue is that the people that bully others are severely insecure, themselves. So...working on helping all students develop better self-esteem/self-worth would benefit everyone.

Regarding smoking: I have no idea how to get people to quit - but clearly giving them all the information in the universe about how it's bad for them, etc. etc. etc., has little to no effect. I like the idea of shaming them by coughing like an asshole when I walk by them - and glaring at their cigarette while coughing/choking. Ha. No, I do it because I'm extremely sensitive to cigarrette smoke, not just for the shaming effect. However, if it shames them enough to quit, then we all win, right?!

[Update: A friend of mine read this post and told me about a campaign that a friend of hers is involved in called "Make It Better", which is a spin-off from the "It Gets Better" campaign but is more about empowering youth now, as I suggested. You can check it out and get involved here.]

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Occupy Life

I'd like to first mention that the reason my posts have slowed down a bit recently is because I am trying to read-up on the topics that I'd like to explain and tie together in my next post regarding my 10 points describing a theory of everything. I'm getting close to finishing my next point and will post that soon, but in the meantime I have something to write about the Occupy Wall Street protests.

I'm happy that people have finally gotten together in solidarity to attempt to tell the government that the majority of us who are not "fortunate" enough to have the money to buy politicians are fed up with how the government panders to the mega-rich and essentially ignores the rest of us until elections come around when they feed us a bunch of lies in order to gain our trust and votes. That's great. And, at least, better late than never.

But that's what I want to say: Where the [bleep] have you all been for the past decade???

And....where was the outrage when the banks were getting billions of dollars 3 years ago? Why did you all go, "well, we need to bail out the banks in order to save the economy"? Guess what? I knew that was a load a crap from the beginning! You don't hand the rich banks more money after they just squandered it all! If the worry is that the people will suffer, then hand the people the money - and not in the form of tax breaks, but in the form of jobs, loans and other government-sponsored benefits such as better healthcare, childcare and education! I said that 3 years ago and most people I said that to laughed at me and said I knew nothing about economics! I'm not an idiot - it's just common sense to me.

And have the banks and other wall street firms changed? All the reports say no. So basically we've handed them a green light to screw us over yet again for their own benefit - with impunity! They will be rewarded, is how they must see it...why stop bad behavior when it's rewarded, right?

So, ok. Now some people have finally woken up. However, I'm afraid it's now about the "thrill" of being part of a "rebellion" rather than actually getting anything accomplished. But, ok, we'll take that, too. Just don't forget to try to accomplish something from it, too! For instance, I've had this online petition open for about a year now which demands that we change our federal individual income tax code such that it resembles the tax brackets/rates as existed for the majority of the 20th century, and maybe even model it after the 1917 brackets/rates - meaning that people who earn less than $250,000/year pay LESS TAXES than they do now and those who make more than $1,000,000/year pay MORE TAXES than they currently pay, and in a graduated manner such that the more you earn, your tax rate increases all the way into the billions, I'd suggest, since there are people who seem to earn that much money, a completely absurd phenomenon. And YES, I am totally aware of the fact that this is a type of "redistributing the wealth". I don't mean to say that we should completely abolish incentive for greater earnings, but that the exponential increase in earnings after a certain amount has almost completely wiped out the middle class and thus, it needs to be tempered. In any case, I've been trying to get 10,000 votes for this petition and in 1 year I still haven't even gotten 150. Now there's all these Occupy Wall Street protestors out in the streets/parks - which is great - but it takes about 10 seconds to sign my petition. So where are the signatures???

You can read about and sign my petition here.
Please sign.